staying top of mind via social media advertising for law firm

Stay top-of-mind when someone needs an attorney

Think of brands that stick in your mind most. There’s a good chance they’re ubiquitous names like Apple or Coca-Cola.

Clearly, these brands have big bucks to spend to create top-of-mind awareness (TOMA), but that doesn’t mean lawyers can’t do the same—for less. For example, social media marketing for lawyers is an avenue that is both cheap—and effective.

Being the turn-to attorney for a specific niche like personal injury or mass tort in your market is not about advertising one great idea and hoping it sticks in folks’ minds next time they need legal advice; it’s about reaching out regularly through a multi-pronged marketing approach.

Sure, a compelling creative message can jumpstart any legal advertising campaign, but what will really keep your law firm top-of-mind is consistency and repetition.

Here are some cornerstones of multi-media, multi-faceted marketing that will start creating TOMA for your law firm.


VISUAL: Broadcast

There’s no substitute for TV advertising. It still has the broadest reach with long-lasting visual impact.

However, even if you don’t have a Google-size media budget, marketing through this medium can still prove effective.

Your advertising agency can help you maximize your media budget with cost-effective creative, ad buys and channel placement.

TACTILE: Direct mail

A direct-to-door print campaign is still a solid strategy to support your global advertising efforts and offers a different, more tangible way to “touch” your audience.

However to work well direct mail needs to target past clients who can refer friends and family or zip codes and audiences proven to open and read mail regularly.

A strong call to action is also key to a results-driven direct-mail campaign.



This beast of a medium encompasses many prongs of the multi-pronged marketing strategy. There are so many touch points that work so well in today’s increasingly digital world. After all, during a typical day we interact with our screens often more than real people.

Key components of interactive include an email campaign, or eCRM (customer relationship management); content marketing; PPC/digital display and social media.

It’s worth calling out some ways that social media marketing for lawyers can work to stay top-of-mind, simply by engaging with followers and online communities.

Learn more with this five-step presentation by Network’s own Emily Frickey. (Or you can check out the slides that go along with this presentation from SlideShare here!)

IN-PERSON: Networking

In the legal industry, face-to-face networking is still paramount to building client relationships, trust and referrals. Therefore in-person networking will work to boost an existing marketing strategy.

Your lawyers will stay top-of-mind if they’re out in the community meeting people, attending conferences and sharing their expertise through speaking engagements.

Don’t get so caught up in ease of the Internet or the all-encompassing reach of TV that you forget the value of gaining new business by getting out on the streets.

To have a constant presence as the go-to law firm for representing the average person, you have to communicate with the average person—broadly, regularly and reliably. Get on TV. Get in their hands. Get to their social network. Get out of the office.

Wondering if you’re heading down the right path with your multi-pronged advertising initiatives? Let’s us help you stay top of mind. Give us a call for a complimentary consultation (888) 461-1016.